Cosmetic Gynecology

Vagina-shaped seashell on the background of the inscription labiaplasty. female health concept | Revive MD Inc in Barrie, ON

Cosmetic Gynecology

At Revive MD, a non-surgical labiaplasty is a non-invasive procedure that reverses the effects of aging, childbirth, menopause, and weight fluctuations on vaginal tissues. Our Revive MD medical provider will use a combination of natural growth factor injections and dermal fillers to rejuvenate the appearance of the labia and increase the patient’s self-confidence.


OPTION 1: PRP injections in the labia majora, a transformative treatment restoring lost volume. This procedure not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also contributes to a renewed sense of confidence.
OPTION 2: Filler Injection  
OPTION 3: Vaginal Radio Frequency, a cutting-edge technique designed to tighten both the labia minora and labia majora. Beyond enhancing external appearance, this procedure positively impacts sensation, orgasm, and circulation, offering a holistic approach to intimate well-being.
OPTION 4: Morpheus8, uses advanced micro-needling RF techniques. This transformative procedure not only remodels fat and addresses irregularities but also stimulates collagen, effectively reversing the aging process. Elevate your self-esteem as Morpheus8 unveils a rejuvenated and radiant you.
OPTION 5: Co2LiftV, is a carboxytherapy that is Health Canada approved and promotes the proper penetration of carbon dioxide through the epidermal layer of the skin. The treatment will then naturally stimulate the oxygen molecules in your body to be delivered directly to the area applied. Results can be felt and seen after just 3 applications.


Hyaluronic acid (HA) Fillers can help stimulate natural collagen production. Hyaluronic acid is a natural product and a major component of our skin. Hyaluronic acid is hydrophilic (water absorbing) and known to keep moisture locked in the skin. Dermal fillers are an excellent way for non-surgical volume restoration for different parts of the body, including the labia, for cosmetic gynecological procedures.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) contains collagen, fibrin, elastin, and natural growth factors derived from your blood sample. After numbing the treatment area, the PRP will be injected into the labia. PRP stimulates collagen production to help build healthier vaginal tissues. PRP can also be injected into the clitoral body, increasing the nerve supply and blood vasculature, leading to improved sensitivity and sensation!

We use a medical-grade numbing cream to help with your overall experience. At the beginning of the treatment, we numb the area; the effects last for the entire procedure, ensuring you as much comfort as possible and minimal to no pain.
You should notice instant results immediately after receiving your injection(s). Results will be subtle and long-lasting.


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